Sunday, April 29, 2012

2nd Annual USA Science & Engineering Festival

Aspiring Scientists and Engineers should keep your eyes open for this annual event:
The 2nd USA Science & Engineering Festival will inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers with school programs and nationwide contests throughout the 2011/2012 school year, and culminate with a finale Expo in Washington DC on April 27-29, 2012


Career Pavilion for High-school Students

Attention high-school students: explore tomorrow's hot careers in areas such as renewable energy, robotics, space tourism, nanotchnology, virtual reality, clean technology, genetics, education, and many other exciting fields!
Four different kinds of activities will take place in the Career Pavilion:
  1. Encounters with Scientists and Engineers - Allows students to personally meet real-life role models in STEM.
  2. STEM Programs Exposition - Opportunity for students to find out about internships, menorships, scholarships, and after-school programs.
  3. College Fair - Students meet representatives from some of the leading colleges and universities focused on STEM.
  4. Job Fair - Gives students and others the chance to meet some of the companies now recruiting for STEM-related professionals.

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