Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What if I am not sure college is right for me?

Not sure you are ready to go to college  right out of high school?  Do you feel you might need a little more time to determine your post high school training path?  There are short term alternatives to explore prior to jumping into the time and expense of a college curriculum that you are not certain you are ready to wholeheartedly pursue.  

Check out the below article found at


Financial Aid
Real World
Student Guides

2 Year Programs
Beginning A Career
Independent Learning
Military Service
Travel for a year
Vo-tech Schools

Why are you considering alternatives to college?It's too expensive
It's not me
College is too long
Exploring options
I dunno

[View Results] [See Other Polls]

If you don't have a four-year college degree or don't plan on getting one any time soon there are alternatives. Contrary to popular belief, you can find a career that fits your personality, interests, and talents. While you may want to eventually consider getting a four-year college degree, choosing an alternative course of action is something well worth considering. For some people, the flexibility of these alternatives allows them to explore avenues of career development previously impermeable.
Most jobs require some higher education. Many require an associates degree; others only require on-the-job training, but all require some sort of specialized training.
2 Year Programs - Usually lead to an associates degree and will launch you into your career in half the time.
Academies - This word means more than just the West Point sense of the word. Academies are a different type of institution than college, explore them.
Apprenticeships - This centuries old European tradition is alive and kicking in the United States. Learn more about it!
Beginning a Career - So you want to plunge into a career after high school? Go into it with your eyes open. Learn what you need to first.
Independent Learning - With the onset of the digital revolution, independent learning means much more than correspondence school.
Internships - A paid position that is also training for your future career. Sound too good to be true? Learn more...
Military Service - The military has a lot to offer. Military service versus college is also not an either/or choice anymore. Many military programs have been designed to assist members of the armed service in continuing their educations.
Travel for a Year - Some people decide to delay going to college or exploring another alternative by traveling for a year, usually as an exchange student.
Vo-tech Schools - Business, vocational, and tech schools all provide specialized training to enter certain careers.
Up ] 2 Year Programs ] Academies ] Apprenticeships ] Beginning A Career ] Independent Learning ] Internships ]Military Service ] Travel for a year ] Vo-tech Schools ]

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