Saturday, November 19, 2011

Do you set goals?

Have you made any personal goals lately? If not, I’d stongly encourage you to do so! Goals are the reasons why corporations and certain individuals are successful. Without them it is very easy to float through life without purpose.

Click on the following link for more on goal setting by By:  in a post entitled, "

Make Goalsetting a Trending Topic".

Make Goalsetting a Trending Topic

Have you made any personal goals lately? If not, I’d stongly encourage you to do so! Goals are the reasons why corporations and certain individuals are successful. Without them it is very easy to float through life without purpose.
They can be as personal as lose 15lbs before Labor Day, or read one book a month; or more complex like apply to grad school or enroll in the study abroad program.
Effective goals must be specific, measurable, and action-oriented. For example saying you’d like to read more isn’t specific or measurable. However, reading one book a month satisfies all three.
Most goals have small steps that need to be done before you can cross-out your goal as complete. With the book example you may need to first find interesting books therefore your action may be to research good books (asking friends, reviewing online bookclubs, or browsing your Barnes & Noble favorite sections). Keep in mind you may have several action steps that are necessary to complete your goal.
Take some time and reflect on a few things: Where do you see yourself in five years, what are your areas of opportunity, what do you want to achieve? If you cringe at the thought of these questions you probably haven’t given them much thought in a while (I used to cringe also!) Don’t worry; it’s never too late. Identify your top three areas of opportunity, write them down and put them somewhere that you can see your list daily. This is very important, it’s very easy to forget goals that are not written down. Then write down the action steps needed to complete each goal.
Not too hard right?? Good! Please feel free to post some of your goals in the comments section.


Desiree is a University Recruiter at T-Mobile USA. She is currently responsible for developing and implementing effective recruiting and branding strategies related to short and long term needs. She does this by partnering with business line leaders to build relationships and establishing realistic expectations. A big part of being a recruiter at T-Mobile is striving to position T-Mobile as an “employer of choice” and facilitate a world class recruiting experience for candidates. Desiree is also responsible for training managers and recruiters on the University and Internship Program. Desiree spends her free time spending time with family and friends, traveling, and volunteering with various groups. She also loves to read and trying anything that is new and fun.

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