Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Upcoming Workshops (Jan - Feb 2012)

The CLC Business Transition Network Presents the 

Vocational Gift Workshop for Teens and Parents
Discover the God-given gifts and interests of your teen
that are the building blocks for post high school training and vocational call

Upcoming Workshops
Sat Jan 14, 9am – 11am
Sun Jan 15,  2:00 – 4:00 pm,
Sat Feb 18, 9am – 11am 

There is no cost for the workshop which includes a 40+ page assessment exercise
 and career planning booklet given to each youth in attendance.  
But but parents will be strongly encouraged to invest $17.95 the day of the workshop
to activate a 90 day renewal membership for SIGI3 
an internet based, online, interactive educational and career planning tool

For more information about the workshop and to make a reservation to attend
 please contact Art Shenk at aeshenk@gmail.com

Note:  Space is limited to no more than 8 families a workshop

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