Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What Color is Your Parachute? For Teens (book) - Why do Information Interviews?

Editorial Review - Reed Business Information (c) 2006
After helping a generation of adults with assessing their careers, the authors turn to those just embarking on a profession in What Color Is Your Parachute? For Teens by Richard Nelson Bolles and Carol Christen with Jean M. Blomquist. They begin by prompting readers to consider their interests, the kinds of people they enjoy and their ideal work environment, and round out the text with quizzes, writing exercises and teen testimonials designed to get teens thinking. Then they offer concrete ideas on how to gain experience (internships, Web sites, etc.) and prepare for interviews.

Note:  For some of the actual book content including a discussion of "Why Do Information Interviews" cut and paste the following text string into your brower:

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