Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Just Do Something (Book Recommendation)

The process of choosing a college major is more involved than what any brief blog post can address.  But if you are struggling with getting started, I can get you on the right path.  It starts with discovering God's will for your future.  .

I have personally come to the conclusion, thanks to John Piper's insightful writing, that:

"God is most gloried in us when we are most satisfied in him." - John Piper

And what this means to me in my vocational and ongoing training decisions is I believe that God has job assignments for me that I will not only use the gifts, skills and talents he has given me to steward and develop...but I will also LOVE the jobs I do.  I have found God is the only source of true joy in my life...and I can experience his joy as I work each day out of love for him in the service from others.

Career or post high school training decisions boil down to one thing.  Discovering God's will...or maybe best described as...finding the "next step" you can take by faith ....trusting that He will guide you for his glory and your best good.

The most helpful and to-the-point book I have read recently on finding God's will for vocation is "Just Do Something - a liberating approach to finding God's will" by Kevin Deyong.

In a brief Foreword, Joshua Harris says that this is his new go-to book on the subject of God’s will and decision making. 

I am inclined to agree with him, at least for those who are looking for a kind of entry level book.

I found Chapter 9 in particular very good related to vocational direction decision making. It is entitled, "Work, Wedlock, and God's will" and it unpacks the means of grace available for discerning God's will in making a job or career decision.  The "steps" include searching the Scriptures,  getting  wise counsel,  praying  and making  a decision...and then moving forward in trust and faith in God.   

For a more in-depth book review, go to:  http://www.challies.com/book-reviews/book-review-just-do-something

The book can be purchased at the CLC bookstore or through Amazon books:


Hope you find it as good a read as I did.

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