Monday, November 28, 2011

Sample Resume - High School and Early College

It is never to early to begin writing your resume.  Many internships and part time jobs require filling out an application, writing essays and/or submitting a resume.   Writing a good resume is hard work.  The resume below is for a sophomore in college.  It's sharp-looking, easy to read, bulleted-format took over 6 hours of initial writing and fine tuning /  editing to get to the state that it is now.  It is written totally by the teen but with significant input from both parents. The good news in once you put in the initial effort, it becomes very easy to update thereafter.

Also notice the effort that was taken to concisely quantify the extent of the achievement and what was actually done.  For example, instead of saying:

  • Worked at a solar panel design company for the summer

....a more eye-catching description was crafted:

  • Worked independently producing (5) 3D Computer Aided Design renderings (using Sketch-it modeling program) of clients’ buildings showing different solar panel configurations on the roofs of existing structures for presentations  
      You want to try your best to show how you take initiative, are responsible, can be trusted, are faithful, can be counted on, excel at what you do, are willing to learn, work hard, etc.   These are all qualities that employers are looking for in young workers and are the foundational building blocks for anyone's vocational career.

If you don't have a resume, I suggest you begin writing one in the format of the one shown below.  Once you get a resume template set up, it is easy to update with your current academic, internship and work experiences / achievements.  This avoids the pressure having to throw a resume together last minute if needed for an internship or job application.  It is proven that a well done resume sets a high school age youth apart from other applicants and increases your chances of getting what you are applying for.

Note, the Blog posting format throws off the actual format presentation of the resume that follows.  It should give you an idea how "white space" and bullets creates a very easy to read format.   It is better presented in its actual electronic format in WORD.  If you want the WORD format electronic file, just email me at and I will send it to you.

Sophomore N.  College
833  Student Drive,  Gaithersburg, MD 20877 | 301.609.9316

Education          Montgomery College         2010-2012
3.80 GPA, Electrical Engineering                                                                                                
Relevant Coursework: Calc1, Calc2, Calc3, Differential Equations, Physics1, Physics2, Physics 3, Chemistry1, Chemistry2,Statics, Dynamics, Circuit Analysis, Digital Logic Design

·         Montgomery College Board of Trustees scholarship
·        Winner of the engineering competition at MC for building the strongest bridge (set a new record)
·         Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society

·        Dean's list Fall 2010, Spring 2011, Fall 2011 

Covenant Life High School
3.9 GPA

·        Magna Cum Laude each quarter for junior and senior year of high school.
·         Three science awards, two math awards, two English awards, and one Bible award in high school.
·         Winner of the annual Junior-Senior Debate


                                Siva Corrosion Services | Engineering firm | Summer Internship    2011
·         Derived a mathematical formula to process and standardize thousands of different data points    
from a ground penetrating radar (GPR)dragged across a 1/2 mile bridge.  This formula saved
 the company much time and money in analysis. 
·         Assisted in bridge analysis field work using GPR, ultrasonic testing, and thermal imaging
cameras. Extracted chloride samples to determine the level of deterioration of the bridge.
·         Used an ohmmeter to measure resistance across the cores imbedded in the concrete to
determine the bridge's interior corrosion.                        
                                JPJ Services | Solar panel contracting    2010-2011
·      Worked independently producing (16) 3D Computer Aided Design renderings (using Sketch-it computer modeling program) of clients’ buildings showing different solar panel configurations on the roofs of existing structures for presentations.   
·         Critiqued business owner's current CADD drawing approach providing new ideas to help increase productivity and efficiency

K&N Lawns | Landscaping company
Vice president     2008 - 2010                    

·         Maintained 26 lawns senior year of high school
·         Helped maintain 10-50 lawns sophomore and junior year of high school working with older brother

Montgomery County Public Library   2007-2010
·         Worked part time all year  round as a library page  through all four years of high school (10-20 hours a week)

·         Member of administration  team for a summer youth camp (250 participants) - 2010
·         Member of administration  team for youth activities (300 teens) - 2010-present
·         Volunteered twice a month setting up /taking down Sunday school classrooms - 2000-present
·         Performed in school play for an audience of 3000  -  2009
·         Participated on soccer, cross country, and wrestling teams - 2007-2010
·         Captain and MVP of high school soccer team - 2007
·         Business manager for year book and officer of student council - 2009
·         Business manager for yearbook - 2010
·         Interned at Blue Sand Securities (hedge fund company) - 2009
·         Interned at ONExia (engineering firm)  - 2010
·         Participated on construction crew building an ophan's  home in Juarez, Mexico - 2009
·         Member of chapel school band - 2009-2010
·         Lead actor in drama performances for summer church camp (audience 700) - 2008-2010
·         Performing monthly on an improv drama team (audience 400 children ) - 2010-present

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